Accordions plugin doesn’t display fonts right in Internet Explorer

Ticket for: Accordions
Accordions plugin doesn't display fonts right in Internet Explorer 1
Anna M
Jan 22, 2019 03:11 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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I'm creating a website for a company and the website is going to be viewed mostly in Internet Explorer 11 by their clients, so it would be important that everything works fine just in IE. The problem is that the accordion doesn't display fonts correctly in IE, but everything works fine with other browsers. The accordion only shows a default font, Times New Roman. I've tried using the same font (making changes to the css of the accordion) I have on the site otherwise, but it doesn't help. The font works fine in other parts of the site but the accordion doesn't display it right. Is this a common bug or is there something I could do to make the fonts display right?
Thanks in advance!

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Accordions plugin doesn't display fonts right in Internet Explorer 1
Accordions plugin doesn't display fonts right in Internet Explorer 3
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Accordions plugin doesn't display fonts right in Internet Explorer 4
Jan 25, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

For browser support we don't provide for IE, because it already outdated. please see there is custom input field for put css, you could solve the issue by input css for IE.


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