Accordions Background Image bug

Accordions Background Image bug 1
Jason Wilson
Oct 19, 2023 12:01 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2020
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This seems to be a recurring bug...  It was fixed previously but it's back.

When using a background image for the heading of each accordion blog, the background image does not show up.

This is because in /accordions/templates/accordion/accordion-hook.php, line 222 creates $header_bg_img with the 'url()' in it and then line 227 tries to show it by using esc_url_raw around it.  It contains 'url(' it so the escaping always fails.  The esc_url_raw function needs to be removed since it is already escaped in line 222.

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Accordions Background Image bug 1
Accordions Background Image bug 3
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Accordions Background Image bug 4
Azizul Raju
Oct 26, 2023

We've fixed the issue on the latest version. Please install the latest version 2.2.90 and give it a try.

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