I'm using Accordion in WooCommerce product.
I try to use the shortcode to get cross sell product inside accordion, work fine just in the first one. In the others I got white page.
So, I change method and I try to use columns and product id shortcode, worked fine until 3 product after again I got white page.
Please help me.
i was able to generate the blank page error
I understand your issue, the cross sell accordion should not contain current product id, no matter how many product you are displaying.
For example i have tested for this http://purevanity.it/shop/lozione-tonica-viso-allo-zafferano-200-ml/
Product id is : 931
Cross sell accordion under this product content must not contain same [themify_col grid="2-1 first"]
[/themify_col][themify_col grid="2-1"]
in above code themefy_col for product id 931 should be removed. except 931 all other product id will works fine. no matter how many of them.
The issue is happening here, shortcode executing inside same shortcode that cause infinite loop and make the page blank.
I hope you understand.
Thanks for your login access.
Can you please tell me which product make the issue ? or how to generate error ?
Welcome to our forum.
Did you use accordions shortcode under product content or theme php files ?
if you are displaying accordion through product content, might cause infinite loop through shortcode if its contain same product some how.
Can you please send your link or admin access so i can check the issue.
now the error is on.
Just have a look of the shop page.
There are just 2 product visible.
I just add some short code in the accordion: 1049 – 1050