If you ever thinking of making revenue from a job site that’s build with Job Board Manager plugin. this post will guide you how to make money from your client for posting their jobs. Job Board Manager plugin does not ha this feature to get payment for posting jobs. so you will need a third party plugin for membership to allow access on job submission page. here i will show you how to integrate with Paid Memberships Pro and Job board Manager to make money from job posting.
How to make money from job site?
First install both plugin
Job board manager will create job submission page on install so you don’t need to worry about create job submission page, just find the page “Job Submit” (by default you can rename it as you wish).
After installing Paid Membership Pro plugin you will need to create some membership levels
After creating some membership levels please go to edit job submit page, you will see the option “Require Membership” to allow membership level, select these option.
And update/save the page, after that user will not able to access job submission form until they buy membership levels. this simple way you allow your user and manage control of access job submission and earn revenue.