All in one solution for wordpress accordion plugin, FAQ Builder, WooCommerce Product FAQ, Tabs Plugin, Image Accordion and more

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Our modern builder is designed to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience. Here’s what you can expect:
List Panel: View all your accordion items at a glance, making it easy to manage and organize them.
Edit Panel: Customize each item individually, with controls for content, styles, and options.
Templates Panel: Choose from pre-made templates to save time and achieve professional designs effortlessly.

- Advanced Text Editor
- Icon Position
- Label Icons for creating unique faq heading.
- Item sources Manual, Posts, Terms
- URL Hash
- Auto Play
- Tabs Label Icon for creating unique label
- Custom active navs style
- Label counter
- Default and toggled icons
After the expiring license, your account will remain the same and the plugin will work fine on your site with the last version you updated, but revoke access to free updates and support for this plugin. although you re-gain access by re-new or purchasing license. your license will be valid for one year from the purchase date.
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14 days Money Back guarantee our all Premium features