Your website may face some problems that you are not planned to face. It may be hacked by someone, maybe WordPress will give several updates that you can’t ignore. We will today discuss some best WordPress Maintenance Plugins for WordPress so far. These plugins are reviewed after researching about them a lot & they are totally free. So ultimately you have to shut down your website. It is called a Maintenance break. During this time of the break, when your regular visitors will visit your site, they will notice that your site is down. It’s a kinda embarrassing situation for you, right? A maintenance page or layout could solve your problem easily. A maintenance WordPress plugin will come in handy in this case. There are various kinds of the plugin. But all of them are not the best.

Table of Contents
WP Maintenance Mode
WP Maintenance Mode is #1 on my list. This plugin is really a good one. Many plugins are charging for various kinds of services. But WP maintenance mode is providing them without any cost. This is the main reason why this plugin is ruling in the realm of WordPress Maintenance Plugins. It is a fully-featured responsive plugin. That offers a visual builder to create a page and manages the text, color, background of the page separately.
It offers you all the options like contact form, newsletter subscription, social media icons, and countdown timer, etc. So with all those features, why isn’t WP Maintenance Mode won’t be the first choice? Well, in reading the reviews, it seems like a number of people took issue with DesignModo using WP Maintenance Mode to advertise some of its other products inside the WordPress admin dashboard. If you can get past that issue, this plugin is a solid free option.

Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd
Now we will talk about another WordPress Maintenance Plugins that earned so many good ratings and reviews. Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd is the most popular and well-rated maintenance mode plugin at It’s translation and retina ready. And great news for the multisite admins that it works flawlessly without any kind of trouble. There is a feature called BuddyPress which will be so much useful to some users. you can quickly create a basic maintenance or coming soon page via a user-friendly interface. You can also add your own tracking scripts, which is nice for monitoring the traffic that comes to your page.

Maintenance By fruitfulcode
Maintenance By fruitfulcode is one kind of blast in this list of WordPress Maintenance Plugins. The design is so simple but the features are not. They are like user-friendly interfaces with Professional performance. This is the plugin that is supported in any kind of browser and fully responsive. So you don’t have to worry about mobile users. This plugin has a beautiful full-screen background. Many plugins are a failure when it comes to the question of optimization. But this WordPress maintenance plugin is a good choice on this topic. Like other free plugins, it has a common feature with some exceptional features. This may be the right choice for your WordPress Site when the site will be in maintenance or in coming soon mode.

Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode
When it’s a matter of elegance and royalty, one name will be recited. That is Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode. Web factory made this freaking awesome plugin which is undisputed. The reason behind is a nice feature. That is one of very few free coming soon plugins that let you collect emails straight to your MailChimp account without having to upgrade to a paid version. Although it currently only supports MailChimp (which can be a problem if you’re already using a different service like Aweber or Get Response), if you already happen to be using MailChimp (as many are) this obviously won’t be a problem at all. It is a great plugin for many potential users. It provides many free services which may cost money in the case of another plugin. It is considered one of the most flexible WordPress maintenance plugins ever.

Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode by Lukas Juhas is a plugin that is the other name of simplicity. These WordPress maintenance plugins are designed for those who just want a simple maintenance page for their site. WordPress’s wp_die() has used in this plugin which is a core function of WordPress, which makes this plugin feel and work as a part of WordPress core. Like other WordPress Maintenance Plugins, it is fully customizable and responsive. Maybe this will be your right choice if you want something simple.

Under Construction / Maintenance Mode
This another beautiful WordPress maintenance plugin from Acurax. It is packed with 5 ready responsive landing pages with all kinds of icons and a beautiful countdown timer. This can u call a plugin with full appetite !! lol! Also, it has auto-launch which is exceptional.

Coming soon and Maintenance mode
Maybe you don’t need to be a coder to design this maintenance page or coming soon page at all. This plugin is developed by wpdevart. They developed it so nicely. Each pros and cons can be modified in this WordPress Maintenance Plugin. Totally responsive and retina ready. Awesome design with HD quality picture is provided to make it more stylish.
You can use any of these WordPress maintenance plugins without any hesitation. This plugin will enhance your site’s beauty even it’s in closed mode. So it will ensure your site’s traffic even if the site is temporarily shut down.