Best Breadcrumb Plugin for WordPress
Breadcrumb is a lightweight plugin for WordPress that enables you to display breadcrumb navigation on your website. It’s highly customizable and works seamlessly on all WordPress pages including archive, category, tags, custom taxonomies, custom post types, default posts, date, year, month, author, and search pages.
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List Of Features
- Breadcrumb builder for posttypes
- Breadcrumb front text
- Breadcrumb separator text
- Display or hide last separator
- Breadcrumb link text limit
- Ending character
- Display “Home” on breadcrumb
- Extra 10 ready themes Pro!
- Category ancestors breadcrumb element Pro!
- Post Term breadcrumb element Pro!
- Breadcrumb on WooCommerce pages
- Hide default WooCommerce breadcrumb
- Ready 5 breadcrumb themes
- Custom CSS and JS
- Hide on specific post types/archive pages Pro!
- Hide by page ids Pro!
- Breadcrumb builder for archive pages Pro!
- Term parent breadcrumb element Pro!
- Term ancestors breadcrumb element Pro!
- Custom home text
- Breadcrumb text font size
- Breadcrumb link background color
- Breadcrumb link color
- Breadcrumb separator color
Display Anywhere
Display breadcrumb on the home page, any post type, page, parent pages, author page, archive page, tag page, category page,page, custom taxonomy page, search page, WooCommerce shop, and product pages.
Dynamic Breadcrumb Builder
Our breadcrumb builder allows you to easily create and customize the breadcrumb structure for your website. It typically offers a visual interface where you can drag and drop elements to customize positions and personalize the element settings.
Ready Themes
We have added 15 themes that you can use to make your breadcrumb stand out from others. You can customize the theme color, font size, margin, padding, and separator style to suit your needs.
Custom Style
Apart from the built-in styles options like font size, background color, margin, and padding, we also have the option to write custom CSS or JS to fine-tune the look and feel of the breadcrumbs.
Text Limit by Word/Character
Sometimes long breadcrumbs with too much text can be overwhelming for users. To make breadcrumbs easier to read, we have options to set word and character limits which ensure they are concise and to the point.
WPML Support
Our plugin is fully translation-ready and additionally, we offer complete WPML compatibility, seamlessly integrating with the WPML plugin for a smooth and powerful multilingual experience on your WordPress website.
Available Breadcrumb Elements
Our breadcrumb plugin provides dynamic and static elements to create your perfect breadcrumb. All available elements are listed below and can be used on posts, pages, archive pages, product pages, and other pages.
Front Text
Our front-text element allows you to display a custom front text on your breadcrumb.
You can display a custom home text with prefix and set a custom URL as well.
Post Title
Display dynamic post title on your breadcrumb with a custom prefix.
Post Author
Display the dynamic author name on your breadcrumb with the ability to set a custom prefix.
Post Date
Display publish date with custom prefix on your breadcrumb for posts and products dynamically.
Post Month
Display the interactive published month name for the current post or product.
Post Year
Display the interactive published year for the current post or product.
Post ID
Display the current post ID with a custom prefix text.
Post Category
Display the current post’s category name in your breadcrumb with a custom prefix.
Post Tag
Display the available tags for the current post in your breadcrumb with a custom prefix.
Custom Text
Display a custom static text with a custom URL on your breadcrumb.
Category Ancestors
Display the category ancestor that is higher up in the hierachical structure of your website’s categories.
Post Term
Display relevant terms related to a post by passing a custom taxonomy.
Post Ancestors
Our ‘post ancestors’ element refers to any page higher up in the hierarchical structure of your website’s pages, similar to “category ancestor” but for pages instead of categories.
Display the dynamic WooCommerce shop URL with a custom prefix text.
Product Category
Display the current product category name in your breadcrumb with a custom prefix.
Product Tag
Display the available tags for the current product in your breadcrumb with a custom prefix.
Term Ancestors
Display the term title that refers to the displayed name of a term associated with a post or page.
Term Parent
Display the term parent name that refers to the parent term within a hierarchical taxonomy structure.
Search Word
This breadcrumb element displays the keyword or phrase the user entered in the search bar.
Shop Title
On your breadcrumb display the title of your WooCommerce shop page.
404 Text
Display a custom 404 text on your breadcrumb that indicates a page that doesn’t exist.
Hide Breadcrumb
We provide options to manually hide the breadcrumb for any available post type, archive pages, or directly by providing the page IDs.
- Front page
- Home
- Blog
- Author
- Year
- Month
- Search
- Shop(WooCommerce)
- Tags
- Date
- Categories
Available Shortcodes
To display the breadcrumb, you can use this shortcode under the post content.
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[breadcrumb]”); ?>
PHP Code, you can use under theme .php files.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Breadcrumbs are a useful navigational tool that appears at the top of a webpage and displays the user’s current location within your website’s hierarchy. They function like a path of links, guiding users back to the homepage and then through relevant categories or taxonomies to the current page. They provide users with an easy way to understand where they are on your website and how they can navigate to other pages.
Most plugins offer breadcrumbs based on categories, but our plugin goes further by supporting custom taxonomies, post types, and dynamic breadcrumbs that adjust based on user behavior. We also provide dynamic breadcrumb elements for WooCommerce that you can utilize.
Our breadcrumb plugin is translation-ready and we even offer WPML compatibility, allowing you to translate breadcrumbs into different languages for a multilingual website.