SEO or search engine optimisation is all about bringing your website on the top of the search
engines. This is done using the different kinds of tactics and techniques that work for your
website. Using the advanced and latest SEO approaches is quite beneficial in this concern as you
are able to drive huge amounts of traffic towards the website or the web page.
To let the site come into search, it uses a variety of keywords or phrases which are being used by
the visitors. Now optimisation of the same is necessary to achieve a better ranking. Similarly
using the right platform for your website can make a difference to your SEO. This is the reason
that more and more people are now relying on the WordPress websites as it is SEO friendly and
gets a better ranking by putting in a little effort.
The best thing about WordPress is that you have a number of plugins to accomplish the purpose
which makes it easy to optimise your site and make it worth ranking high on the search engines.
But a question arises as which are the plugins that you can use to dominate SEO as there is a
long list to choose from. So here is a quick list of the WordPress Plugins that you can go for.

Table of Contents
This is one of the most popular and Best WordPress Plugins of all and has been used by millions
of people to check what went wrong with their site. It lets you know about how SEO
optimisation can be done for your website, what things need to be changed or integrated etc. A
complete analysis of your website is done and accordingly, the suggestions are made. Once you
incorporate the same you can rest assured that the website can do wonders for your business. So
if you are really looking for that one reliable plugin then Yoast is definitely the name to consider.

Google Analytics
The next and another crucial plugin that you should be using are Google Analytics. As the name
implies this is the plugin through which you can boost the performance of your website by
making the little modifications. It is an easy to install the plugin with a number of features that
you can use. It is a free plugin and once you set it up, your site gets connected and now you can
get access to all the information related to site’s performance. Using the suggestions can
incorporate the desired changes.

Google XML sitemaps
Sitemaps are not just important for any website but for SEO purpose as well. This is the reason
that you must work out on your sitemaps and make sure it is designed properly. The main
purpose of having the sitemap is to tell the search engines how to crawl your site and index the
various pages. If your site is lacking the sitemap it is sure to affect your ranking on the search
engines. So by using the plugin, you can easily integrate a sitemap which accomplishes the
purpose. The best part is that it can be done easily.

W3 Total Cache
The speed of your website is an important concern as faster your website loads higher will be its
ranking. So you will not want to compromise with this aspect but make sure the loading time
improves. The W3 plugin is definitely the one that can help you in getting rid of all the cache
that makes the site bulky and load slowly. So make sure that you use the plugin on a regular basis
to overcome the issues related to the performance of the website, its functionality, speed and
much more.

Broken Link Checker
Then you have another plugin called Broken Link Checker which enables you to track all the
non-working links on your site and remove them. If any user lands on such pages and finds
nothing it will drift their mind and them amylose interest in your site. Also, broken links affect
the search engine ranking, bring down the traffic and have all sorts of negative impact.
If you wish to keep up with the latest SEO trends, make sure to use the above SEO Plugins
which are effective in every way and will help you to dominate SEO.