Trust is the most crucial part of a website. The more you can boost trust, the more you can earn a soft corner in the visitors’ mind. To accelerate your site credibility, there are a lot of aspects that are closely interrelated. Among them “Meet The Team” section is considered the must have section if you want to make your website trustworthy. You might be thinking why you need to maximize site trust, right? Statistics shows that 98% of Americans distrust the internet. They check many of site features before buying from a website.
If you’ve a team section or meet the team page added on your WordPress corporate website, It conveys a message to the site visitors about the existence of proficient heads to whom they can easily rely on. For this reason, you might have noticed, professional business websites include a team section or a dedicated team page where you find details of individual team members elaborately. The details include team member photo, designation and a direct link to their social media profiles. If you have a team of professionals, I recommend adding their profiles in your website team section creatively. I think you are afraid of extra cost or writing about codes for team section, right?
Don’t be panic. You neither have to write code nor spend money for creating team section. Because there are many of powerful and amazing free WordPress team member plugins available to showcase your team profiles creatively. For your convenience, I’ve listed them making a couple of curation.

Table of Contents
The Team plugin is an incredible WordPress extension to showcase team members’ profile with ease. The plugin is lightweight crafted with pure HTML and CSS3. You can publish the team section anywhere in your WordPress post and page with the help of shortcode builder. The plugin doesn’t require you to install 3rd party dependencies and learn new tactics to use this plugin. Installing this plugin is the same as the others. The plugin is running more 5k+ WordPress website successfully because it allows displaying team member’s avatar, name, designation, and a short bio elegantly. The plugin comes with two different themes and option handles to customize team section looks according to your site branding requirements.
WordPress Team Manager
This is the another plugin that you can choose to build your team section proficiently. WordPress Team Manager has a powerful and proficient logic set to interactively present your team details on your website. The plugin is renowned for displaying team members based on list and grid view. The differentiating part of this plugin is member details page and plugin control panel. Member details show members details descriptively and control panel allow to customize team members’ image size, limit team members’ number to display, manipulate team members’ displaying order, generate shortcode, display selected members and more. The plugin is responsive, you can customize the appearance of team section look based on your imagination.

Team Members
The latest inventions of modern technology are making everything handy. So does Team Members plugin. The plugin has made it super simple to create team/people/staff/employees showcase within no time. The plugin is glutted with all the modern features that you always expect in the best team showcase WordPress plugin. That’s why this plugin allows you to quickly add team picture, position, bios, and social link. Like other intended plugin, Team Members is shipped shortcodes builders; you can place your team details in WordPress places shortcodes. The plugin has French and Spanish translation available, can be displayed members in 2,3,4 per line.
Easy Team Manager
Easy Team Manager is another tremendous team plugin which lets you add a short description, social profiles, position in the company and amazing hover effect on each team member profiles. The fronted interface of this plugin is professional, can be embedded in WordPress using short codes [easy-team-manager team_name=”Team Name”]. The plugin is well documented and bottled with powerful admin panel. The control panel allows you to add the team details and customize hover effect. The plugin is responsive, and cross-browser compatible can be fitted inside any of browsers and viewing devices. If you are concerned about the immutability with your website theme, install it. I believe it won’t create any complication.

TLP Team
TLP Team is popular among the best WordPress meet the team plugins for having multiple layouts to present team listing with the unique appearances. The layout style includes grid and Isotope view. The team member plugin is lightweight, has been developed with HTML5, CSS3 and PHP followed with object orientation. Besides adding a dedicated section for presenting team members, The plugin has incorporated a team widget which can be published in anywhere in the widgetized area. Combined with shortcodes features, TLP Team has an admin panel packed with essential fields to add name, position avatar, short and long bio, and social link of unlimited team members.

Meet My Team
Meet My team is a team member plugin has been built with the support of two CSS frontend frameworks. The developers have stuck only providing support of CSS frameworks, but tightly implemented naming convention to avoid code conflict with Bootstrap and Zerb powered foundation framework enabled WordPress themes. Meet My Team also comes with shortcodes placing feature along backend fields for adding team member name, profile picture, email, Biography and social channels.
Team Member Showcase
Team member showcase plugin is equipped with the aesthetic frontend, has the supreme ability to display member details combining all essential data to present member identity efficiently. The feature of this plugin is numerous. So, Team Member Showcase plugin has an option to switch to unlimited colors. Moreover, the plugin is 100% responsive; shortcode powered, custom link attacher, automated image resizer and more.
Bottom Line
We have brought you a couple of free options to create stunning and amazing team section seamlessly. If you find any of popular plugin missing in this list, feel free to inform us.