Writing a quality article may not help you to get targeted visitors, there is some traditional way to get new visitors on your article, but many article writer doesn’t follow these. so we are trying to cover here a list of all possible way of article marketing. If you do not take action on these article marketing techniques you may lose huge visitors even you are writing good articles.
Table of Contents
Make viral Title
- Your first attention to the title should make it viral. The article title is the first thing that grabs attention. Make it simple trendy and viral. never ever try false words or make your readers wrong with the title. if you are not familiar with the viral titles please learn about this first. you may follow bellow articles
- How To Create Headlines That Get Clicks
- 21 Viral Headline Examples and How You Can Copy Their Success

Unique Thumbnail
- Create a unique thumbnail for your blog post most proven way to get visitors from social media and youtube videos. so don’t miss this and never ever publish a blog post without post thumbnails. you may use the following website & tool to get free thumbnails
Landing Popup
- Keep a landing popup for email subscribe form, discount coupon, a recent offer
- The landing popup should be popped after 5-10 seconds of a page loaded.
- Don’t show popup immediately after page load, there is a risk for Google penalty.
There are many free popup maker plugins for WordPress or websites that provide the ready code you need to copy and paste on your site. please follow the link below to get free popup plugins for popups and website

Email Subscribe
- Add an email subscribe form at the bottom of your blog posts.
- Encourage your readers to subscribe by sharing paid or premium materials(ex: pdf, pro tips)
Many email marketers and blog owners use email subscriber platforms to manage to send emails and subscribe, you may use the following website to get a free email subscriber form and there is also many free plugins available for email marketing
Related articles
- Keep at least 2-3 links for recommended internal article links. Related articles help you to drive traffic on old content and stay a long time to the visitor and it greatly helps to reduce bounce rate. you may manually add links to your existing blogs post or if you are using WordPress as your content management system there are lots of related posts plugins, please check these plugins for displaying related blog posts.
External articles
- Keep at least 2-3 links for recommended external article links, External article links help you to build relations with other bloggers and ethical ways to build backlinks.
- Ask other bloggers to interchange external ink links with your blog posts. Take a google search to find related blogs and contact blog owners to tell them “Hey! chek this article, I have included your blog posts URL to my blog, please give chance to share my blog URL or include my blog post URL to your blog posts”
Post Comments
Commenting on other blog posts is a great way to keep in relation with other popular bloggers and get backlinks.
- Post comments on other website blog posts
- Reply to comments on your blog.
- Appreciate, ask questions, ask to add missing info
- Request to update 404 URL.
- Request to Replace outdated products with your products or services.
- Request to add the missing information.
- Share your thought about the blog post.
Outdated products / 404 URL
- Find blog posts that contain outdated products reviews.
- Find blogs that contain 404 URLs for products
- Send mail to the site owner to replace outdated products.
Ask Your Readers / Comments
- Leave a question for your readers and ask them to post answers via comments.
Social Media Comments
- Post comments on Facebook and other social media groups if someone is looking for info like you have a blog post.
- Share your latest blog post on Facebook groups that contain a similar group of people.
Video version
Most blogger doesn’t follow these tricks, Once you start a video blog you will see the response immediately and videos will help you to build another community which is another way to generate smart revenue.
- Create a video version of your blog post and share it on youtube.
- Include your blog URL on video descriptions.
- Hire voice-over talent to convert your text to voice. there are tons of cheap freelancers available on fiverr.com and if you want some quality just bit increase your budget you find.
Answer on Quora
Quora is the best platform for Q&A, It has many questions needed to answer. you may take a search for your niche and related question to your blog posts and post an answer to the questions.
- Find similar questions on Quora and share a short answer with your blog post URL
Share on Reddit
Reddit is called the first door of the internet, that’s mean Reddit is the platform where people share their thought first before posting any other social media or website. you will find lots of subreddit or categories you can post on these subreddits. you can also create your own subreddit to build your own community on Reddit.
- Find a related subreddit and share your blog post URL
Share on Linkedin
- Find related groups on LinkedIn and share your blog post URL
Guest Post
- Find similar blogs that allow guest posts and share some articles on each different blog.
Facebook Campaign
- Run a cheap Facebook campaign targeted at cheap regional
Submit on article directories
- Submit your article URL on other article directories.