Add your own apply method

By filter hook you can add your own apply method for job.

First you have to define the method by filter hook job_bm_filters_apply_method

function job_bm_am_apply_methods_new_method($apply_methods){
		$apply_methods_new = array('new_method'=>'New Method');
		return array_merge($apply_methods,$apply_methods_new);

And then display html for your method for your defined method on job sidebar apply section.

function job_bm_am_apply_methods_new_method_html($apply_method_html){
	// this will display on single job page sidebar under "Apply on this job"
	return 'your html here';

By default we use job_bm_am_ajax_submit_application() function for submit application via ajax when click submit button on job apply popup, you may use your own by creating your own addon.

for example here is the jQuery for


		$(document).on('click', '.apply-by-email-popup .submit-application', function(){
				var apply_email = $('.apply-email').val();			
				var application_text = $('.application-text').val();
				var apply_method 	 = $(this).attr('apply_method');
				var job_id 			 = $(this).attr('job_id');											
					type: 'POST',
					context: this,
					data: {
						"action": "job_bm_am_ajax_submit_application", 
					success: function(data){
